ESOJust back from my first visit to Garching (near Munich). ESO, to be more specific. The reason for the visit: a three-day workshop on Science from UKIDSS.

Here's the gist of it. Lots of good results already, lots of work in progress, and a sense that UKIDSS has come of age: the needle-in-a-haystack hunters now have enough hay (they hope!) to find some record-breaking needles (the smallest, nearest or furthest known luminiferous objects in the Universe) and the (Galactic or extra-Galactic) Gallup pollers have now canvassed enough individuals (stars or galaxies) to be reasonably confident about the views of the whole population.

I'm one of the extra-Galactic Gallup pollers. Some slides from the talk I gave on the final morning are on my (small but growing!) publications page.

Next tasks:

  • Investigate the problem with deblending of large galaxies
  • Write paper
  • Write thesis
  • Get job

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